Journal Publications
- Cheng, Z., Yuan, J., Yu, B., Lu, J. and Zhao, Y., 2022. Crash Risks Evaluation of Urban Expressways: A Case Study in Shanghai. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Li, Y., Li, M., Yuan, J., Lu, J. and Abdel-Aty, M., 2021. Analysis and prediction of intersection traffic violations using automated enforcement system data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 162, p.106422.
- Abdelraouf, A., Abdel-Aty, M. and Yuan, J., 2021. Utilizing Attention-Based Multi-Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks for Freeway Traffic Speed Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Mahmoud, N., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q. and Yuan, J., 2021. Estimating cycle-level real-time traffic movements at signalized intersections. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.1-24.
- Wang, X., Pei, Y., Yang, M. and Yuan, J., 2021. Meso-level hotspot identification for suburban arterials. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 156, p.106148.
- Abdelrahman, A., Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan, J.*, Al-Omari, M., 2021. “Systematic Safety Evaluation of Diverging Diamond Interchanges Based on Nationwide Implementation Data”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (Accepted).
- Yuan, J., Abdel-Aty, M., Fu, J., Wu, Y., Yue, L., and Eluru, N., 2021. “Developing Safety Performance Functions for Freeways at Different Aggregation Levels Using Multi-State Microscopic Traffic Detector Data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention (Accepted).
- Mahmoud, N., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q., and Yuan, J., 2021. “Predicting cycle-level traffic movements at signalized intersections using machine learning models”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124: 102930.
- Islam, Z., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q., and Yuan, J., 2021. “Crash data augmentation using variational autoencoder”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 151: 105950.
- Li, P., Abdel-Aty, M., and Yuan, J., 2020. “Using bus critical driving events as surrogate safety measures for pedestrian and bicycle crashes based on GPS trajectory data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 150: 105924.
- Gong, Y., Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan, J., and Cai, Q., 2020. “Multi-objective reinforcement learning approach for improving safety at intersections with adaptive traffic signal control”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, p.105655.
- Yue, L., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., Yuan, J., and Morris, M., 2020. “Influence of pedestrian-to-vehicle technology on drivers’ response and safety benefits considering pre-crash conditions”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 73, pp.50-65.
- L. Yue, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Wu, Yuan, J., 2020. “An Augmentation Function for Active Pedestrian Safety System Based on Crash Risk Evaluation”. IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology.
- Cai, Q., Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan, J., Lee, J. and Wu, Y., 2020. “Real-time crash prediction on expressways using deep generative models”. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 117, p.102697.
- J. Yuan., M. Abdel-Aty, L. Yue, Q. Cai, 2020. “Modeling Real-Time Cycle-Level Crash Risk at Signalized Intersections Based on High-Resolution Event-Based Data”. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- L. Xing, J. He, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Wu, Yuan, J., 2020. “Time-varying analysis of traffic conflicts at the upstream approach of toll plaza”. Accident Analysis & Prevention 141 (2020): 105539.
- S. Zhang, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., P. Li, 2020. “Prediction of Pedestrian Crossing Intentions at Intersections Based on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2020): 0361198120912422.
- L. Yue, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Wu, O. Zheng, Yuan, J.*, 2020. “In-depth approach for identifying crash causation patterns and its implications for pedestrian crash prevention”. Journal of Safety Research, 73, 119-132.
- Y. Li, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., Z. Cheng, J. Lu, 2020. “Analyzing Traffic Violation Behavior at Urban Intersections: A Spatial-Temporal Kernel Density Estimation Approach Using Automated Enforcement System Data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention 141 (2020): 105509.
- N. Formosa, M. Quddus, S. Ison, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., 2020. “Predicting real-time traffic conflicts using deep learning”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 136, 105429.
- P. Li, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., 2020. “Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction on Arterials Based on LSTM-CNN”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135, 105371.
- L. Xing, J. He, Y. Li, Y. Wu, Yuan, J., X. Gu, 2019. “Comparison of different models for evaluating vehicle collision risks at upstream diverging area of toll plaza”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135, 105343.
- Q. Cai, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Sun, J. Lee, Yuan, J., 2019. “Applying a deep learning approach for transportation safety planning by using high-resolution transportation and land use data”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127, 71-85.
- Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Gong, Q. Cai, 2019. “Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(4), 314-326.
- Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, Q. Cai, J. Lee, 2019. “Investigating Drivers’ Mandatory Lane Change Behavior on the Weaving Section of Freeway with Managed Lane: A Driving Simulator Study”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 62, 11-32.
- X. Gu, M. Abdel-Aty, Q. Xiang, Q. Cai, Yuan, J., 2019. “Utilizing UAV Video Data for In-depth Analysis of Drivers’ Crash Risk at Interchange Merging Areas”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 123, 159-169.
- Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, L. Wang, J. Lee, R. Yu, X. Wang, 2018. “Utilizing Bluetooth and Adaptive Signal Control Data for Real-Time Safety Analysis on Urban Arterials”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 97, 114-127.
- Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, 2018. “Approach-Level Real-Time Crash Risk Analysis for Signalized Intersections”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 119, 274-289.
- Q. Cai, M. Saad, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., J. Lee, 2018. “Safety Impact of Weaving Distance on Freeway Facilities with Managed Lanes Using Both Microscopic Traffic and Driving Simulations”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672(39), 130-141.
- X. Wang, Yuan, J., G. Schultz, S. Fang, 2018. “Investigating the safety impact of roadway network features of suburban arterials in Shanghai”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 113, 137-148.
- X. Wang, Yuan, J., 2017. “Safety Impacts Study of Roadway Network Features on Suburban Highways”. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 30 (4), 106-114. (In Chinese, Second Prize for Outstanding Paper Award, China Journal of Highway and Transport)
- X. Wang, Yuan, J., X. Yang, 2016. “Modeling Research of Crash Types at Signalized Intersections Base on the Random Effect Model”. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 44 (01): 81-86. (In Chinese, FRONTRUNNER 5000 Top Articles in Outstanding S&T Journals of China)