Journal Publications


  1. Cheng, Z., Yuan, J., Yu, B., Lu, J. and Zhao, Y., 2022. Crash Risks Evaluation of Urban Expressways: A Case Study in Shanghai. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.


  1. Li, Y., Li, M., Yuan, J., Lu, J. and Abdel-Aty, M., 2021. Analysis and prediction of intersection traffic violations using automated enforcement system data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 162, p.106422.
  2. Abdelraouf, A., Abdel-Aty, M. and Yuan, J., 2021. Utilizing Attention-Based Multi-Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks for Freeway Traffic Speed Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  3. Mahmoud, N., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q. and Yuan, J., 2021. Estimating cycle-level real-time traffic movements at signalized intersections. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.1-24.
  4. Wang, X., Pei, Y., Yang, M. and Yuan, J., 2021. Meso-level hotspot identification for suburban arterials. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 156, p.106148.
  5. Abdelrahman, A., Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan, J.*, Al-Omari, M., 2021. “Systematic Safety Evaluation of Diverging Diamond Interchanges Based on Nationwide Implementation Data”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (Accepted).
  6. Yuan, J., Abdel-Aty, M., Fu, J., Wu, Y., Yue, L., and Eluru, N., 2021. “Developing Safety Performance Functions for Freeways at Different Aggregation Levels Using Multi-State Microscopic Traffic Detector Data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention (Accepted).
  7. Mahmoud, N., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q., and Yuan, J., 2021. “Predicting cycle-level traffic movements at signalized intersections using machine learning models”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124: 102930.
  8. Islam, Z., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q., and Yuan, J., 2021. “Crash data augmentation using variational autoencoder”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 151: 105950.


  1. Li, P., Abdel-Aty, M., and Yuan, J., 2020. “Using bus critical driving events as surrogate safety measures for pedestrian and bicycle crashes based on GPS trajectory data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 150: 105924.
  2. Gong, Y., Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan, J., and Cai, Q., 2020. “Multi-objective reinforcement learning approach for improving safety at intersections with adaptive traffic signal control”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, p.105655.
  3. Yue, L., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., Yuan, J., and Morris, M., 2020. “Influence of pedestrian-to-vehicle technology on drivers’ response and safety benefits considering pre-crash conditions”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 73, pp.50-65.
  4. L. Yue, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Wu, Yuan, J., 2020. “An Augmentation Function for Active Pedestrian Safety System Based on Crash Risk Evaluation”. IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology.
  5. Cai, Q., Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan, J., Lee, J. and Wu, Y., 2020. “Real-time crash prediction on expressways using deep generative models”. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 117, p.102697.
  6. J. Yuan., M. Abdel-Aty, L. Yue, Q. Cai, 2020. “Modeling Real-Time Cycle-Level Crash Risk at Signalized Intersections Based on High-Resolution Event-Based Data”. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  7. L. Xing, J. He, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Wu, Yuan, J., 2020. “Time-varying analysis of traffic conflicts at the upstream approach of toll plaza”. Accident Analysis & Prevention 141 (2020): 105539.
  8. S. Zhang, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., P. Li, 2020. “Prediction of Pedestrian Crossing Intentions at Intersections Based on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2020): 0361198120912422.
  9. L. Yue, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Wu, O. Zheng, Yuan, J.*, 2020. “In-depth approach for identifying crash causation patterns and its implications for pedestrian crash prevention”. Journal of Safety Research, 73, 119-132.
  10. Y. Li, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., Z. Cheng, J. Lu, 2020. “Analyzing Traffic Violation Behavior at Urban Intersections: A Spatial-Temporal Kernel Density Estimation Approach Using Automated Enforcement System Data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention 141 (2020): 105509.
  11. N. Formosa, M. Quddus, S. Ison, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., 2020. “Predicting real-time traffic conflicts using deep learning”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 136, 105429.
  12. P. Li, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., 2020. “Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction on Arterials Based on LSTM-CNN”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135, 105371.
  13. L. Xing, J. He, Y. Li, Y. Wu, Yuan, J., X. Gu, 2019. “Comparison of different models for evaluating vehicle collision risks at upstream diverging area of toll plaza”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135, 105343.


  1. Q. Cai, M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Sun, J. Lee, Yuan, J., 2019. “Applying a deep learning approach for transportation safety planning by using high-resolution transportation and land use data”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127, 71-85.
  2. Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, Y. Gong, Q. Cai, 2019. “Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(4), 314-326.
  3. Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, Q. Cai, J. Lee, 2019. “Investigating Drivers’ Mandatory Lane Change Behavior on the Weaving Section of Freeway with Managed Lane: A Driving Simulator Study”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 62, 11-32.
  4. X. Gu, M. Abdel-Aty, Q. Xiang, Q. Cai, Yuan, J., 2019. “Utilizing UAV Video Data for In-depth Analysis of Drivers’ Crash Risk at Interchange Merging Areas”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 123, 159-169.


  1. Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, L. Wang, J. Lee, R. Yu, X. Wang, 2018. “Utilizing Bluetooth and Adaptive Signal Control Data for Real-Time Safety Analysis on Urban Arterials”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 97, 114-127.
  2. Yuan, J., M. Abdel-Aty, 2018. “Approach-Level Real-Time Crash Risk Analysis for Signalized Intersections”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 119, 274-289.
  3. Q. Cai, M. Saad, M. Abdel-Aty, Yuan, J., J. Lee, 2018. “Safety Impact of Weaving Distance on Freeway Facilities with Managed Lanes Using Both Microscopic Traffic and Driving Simulations”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672(39), 130-141.
  4. X. Wang, Yuan, J., G. Schultz, S. Fang, 2018. “Investigating the safety impact of roadway network features of suburban arterials in Shanghai”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 113, 137-148.


  1. X. Wang, Yuan, J., 2017. “Safety Impacts Study of Roadway Network Features on Suburban Highways”. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 30 (4), 106-114. (In Chinese, Second Prize for Outstanding Paper Award, China Journal of Highway and Transport)


  1. X. Wang, Yuan, J., X. Yang, 2016. “Modeling Research of Crash Types at Signalized Intersections Base on the Random Effect Model”. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 44 (01): 81-86. (In Chinese, FRONTRUNNER 5000 Top Articles in Outstanding S&T Journals of China)